Wednesday 24 September 2014


  1. Oh Michelle, I hear you! I failed to get my writing going today, simply for lack of being able to find post-its! All my inspiration evaporated under the weight of that simple task. Finding the bloody post-its.
    Maybe tomorrow... :-)

    1. I'd send you a post it if I could mine are sitting here taunting me :) Those small tasks are the ones that hold all the others together, and on days like these they all fall apart. Hugs and wishes for tomorrow xx

  2. Hi Michelle, You did a phenomenal job putting this into words. As I read it brought tears to my eyes just to feel understood and tears for you wishing you did not have to understand. Thankyou for what you do, thankyou for using precious energy to give us a few minutes out of the day to feel understood. <3

    1. So glad you could connect with it and feel understood, Jan. We all need that. xx


All who are lovely enough to comment should be showered with cup cakes, glitter and macarons. I promise to use my spoon bending mind powers to try and get that happening for all who are lovely enough to share their words. Those who go the extra step to share posts should really get a free unicorn. Or at least the gift of finding the shortest and quickest line at the supermarket on a regular basis. xx

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