Tuesday 9 November 2010

The View From My Couch: The Often Overlooked Healing Power of the Kazoo.


This is a photo of  Kenneth Kazoo (named after Kenneth Parcell the psychotically perky NBC page, from 30 Rock) who has travelled all the way from the old U S of A with the sole purpose of making my smile, and he's very good at that job.  Kenneth, as I've named him, arrived on my shores via the delightful Elly Lou at BugginWord who always makes me smile, with her blush worthy posts and comments.  Whose thoughtfulness, noted that not only can he be played lying down but is even MRI friendly.  Though I was a little concerned by the note that mentioned he may also give Jeff an erection. 

Kenneth comes every where with my now and even went to meet The Balloonman.  He shall be coming along on Friday for my angioplasty.  Every time I look at Kenneth he makes me smile.  Every time I try to play him, my ineptitude makes me laugh.  Every time I see him in my handbag nestled next to my puke bag it reminds me that there are some truly lovely people in the world.  Plus he's red.  If that doesn't make him a thing of beauty I don't know what does.

Michelle :)


  1. And now I'm crying. Clearly you broke my hormones. Bitch. And of course I mean that in the warmest and fuzziest of bitchy ways. I'll keep my fingers crossed for Friday. Don't fret, Kenneth will hold your hand.

  2. If you learn a dirty song to play on it, I'll high five you. :) Some nice rap!

  3. So funny how inadament objects can bring a smile to our face. So glad something with a male name in't a curse, woohoo Kenneth! I hope all goes well with you angioplasty. Nothing like a little kazoo playing to go with a visit to the balloonman!

  4. Elly Lou - damn sorry about breaking your hormones. I know all will be well with Kenneth by my side.

    OWO - I will now set about learning The Blood Hound Gang's "Bad Touch"just for you. I might even crack out my monkey suit.

    Michele - "Kenneth" is such an inoffensive name and Kenneth Parcell makes me laugh so it was a natural fit. I wonder if they'll let him in the theatre? Maybe they have a tini tiny little hair net for him?

  5. My brain is not working well and i don't really udnerstand what Kenneth is but it made me smile which is a good thing right now. although at the risk of sounding silly I think he is a harmonica but could be so wrong on that and really its a love tool that I am far too old to understand just one that one can play a song from and that means my imagination really has run wild so will shut the F up right now.

    I just want to say will be thinking of you Friday which means probably in all for about 48 hours as I am absolutely crap at time differences. But I will be thinking of you regardless of time zones.

  6. Achelois - think sounds like a "demented duck" and you'll have the muscial charms of a kazoo. Well at least when I play it, it sounds that way. Time zones be damned I can feel your well wishes already :)

  7. Good luck on Friday, my fingers and toes are crossed for you :)

  8. good luck for friday, hope the procedure is over quickly, rest up. emx


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