Wednesday 29 June 2011

The View From My Couch: Pampering

I decided to spoil myself recently and buy some lovely Sohum body cream and soaps.  It's the little luxuries that get you through the day.  It was one of 'those' days, so I sent my offspring into the store with instructions, whilst I sat with my head in my lap in the car.  The came back to the car with a big bag and a grin that would impress the Cheshire Cat.  I opened up the bag to find a present, complete with gold ribbon.  They had decided to tell the store assistant it was a present for their mum so she wrapped it up.  They wanted me to have a special gift to unwrap.  I didn't tear up, really I didn't.  It was a bad hayfever day, okay.

Michelle :)


  1. I thought I could smell deliciousness!!! :) I don't want to betray my cynical black heart but I loves me a little smellies. Ha! Good for you, woman.

  2. Esp good choice - I have dysautonomia and spend a fair chunk of my life in the bath feeling sorry for myself! Luxury bubbles are essential! x

  3. You deserve it. Blimey, seems I have a touch of hayfever too......

  4. Veg - I am aware of your fondness for smelly things and love you for it, so I wont judge you any less cynical.

    Emma - The bath is a wonderful place to soak your troubles away. I have lovely bubbles from L'Occitane from Mr Grumpy which I also love.

    Achelois - damn hayfever, it gets around. :)


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