Thursday 23 July 2015

Hear me.

A Facebook page I follow, recently asked those living with invisible disability:

"What's the one thing you wish people would say to you?"

It took me a long time to think of an answer. Admittedly, I have tipped over to the visible disability camp the last few years, but I still get the "but you don't look sick/disabled" comments with such frequency, that it would seem that I still fall into the not looking sick/disabled-enough camp. Go society and it's continued desire to hold on tightly to the myths and stereotypes around disability. But, I have spent enough years in the invisible camp, that it's legacy is still keenly felt.

A version of "I believe you," was sought by many. As was "What can I do to help?" I understand both of these. Belief was definitely lacking at the start, be it strangers, friends, family or medical practitioners. It was frustrating and disheartening and left me feeling alone. It also took a huge toll on my self-confidence as I internalised the lack of belief and started to doubt myself. Am I really sick? and Should I really just suck it up? were on repeat in my mind. And they were destructive. The current state of my body makes a mockery of those questions. Even at the start, passing out and a heart rate that wanted to go from bradycardia to tachycardia on a never ending loop wasn't exactly normal. Belief became my holy grail. It continues to be the holy grail for many. Sadly, even with concrete diagnosis belief can still be a missing factor. As such an expression of belief is understandably, high on the list of many.

A lack of help is another I understand only too well. As I wrote in No Casseroles for You, help is not often forthcoming for those with chronic illness, many of which are invisible. Often just like you can't see a chronic illness or disability, you cannot see its consequences. Alternately, it's chronic nature leads to care fatigue for those around us. When a disorder is measured in years or a lifetime, it is hard for many to maintain caring for that length of time. There are certain illnesses that are known as casserole illnesses. Those whose name inspire instant understanding of need and seriousness. That activate whole communities to action. And then there are those like Dysautonomia that are never, or rarely, invited to the party. Having said that, I know from friends who live with the well known casserole illnesses and, if they continue on over time, even they experience the effects of care fatigue. The inundation of initial help has an unmentioned but clearly defined shelf life. After which it dwindles away. If this happens for the well known disorders what does that mean for those of us who aren't even in the running? How I longed for someone to bring over a meal or offer to vacuum. Especially in the early days where I left work and was struggling to find medications that took the edge of my symptoms. But apart from two people, who have very generous hearts, it never eventuated. Outside of a couple of specific disorders, there were simply no services for seriously ill mum's in their 30s in my region. And living in an area with sparse general services, if family and friends didn't step up, you were left to fend for yourself.

I know all of this, but still I struggled with a response to the question.

When I sat and thought about my experiences, I realised that I don't want the people around me to say anything.

I want them to be silent.


I want them to hear me. 

Really, hear me

In essence, both of the responses regarding belief and help are also about hearing. Hearing exactly what is going on. Hearing what my doctors have said. Hearing the expert knowledge I have about my life and disorder. Hearing about my needs. Not the needs you think I have. I still have vivid memories of the wall of milk that turned up on the doorstep of a family member after the loss of a loved one. Milk. We were trying to find places for milk for days. We froze it. Drank it until we were sick and threw out all we couldn't get through. I understand that people wanted to help. To do something. But 2,000 litres of milk was not a kindness. The community saw a need, but they didn't take the time to ask how that need might best be met. Even when other options were suggested, the tsunami of milk continued.

Hearing would alleviate so many problems. And part of truly hearing is active listening.

Active listening has a number of parts, but this is the one I really wish others would employ.

(University of Adelaide: Active Listening)

Illness comes with a whole host of judgments and assumptions. I should be better by now, I don't look sick or disabled enough, I just need to exercise, be more positive, I don't complain so I must be coping, I don't need help, it's not that serious, it's not like I have [insert illness of choice], if So-And-So can do it, so can you, ..... The judgements are automatic and fired off with relentless regularity. So much so they are parodied on many patient support sites.

They are so ingrained that many do not even realise that they are seeing you through that lens, or that their responses are influenced by those negative beliefs.

I don't want people to say anything in particular to me. I just want them to hear me. To actively listen when I speak. To understand that I am the expert in me and my needs. Being chronically ill is difficult, but so often it is not the illness or symptoms that end up being the hardest part to deal with. Instead it is often the reactions of others to our being ill.

I would add that we are not a homogeneous group. We do not all have the same experiences or needs. And our needs may be very different to what you would want in the same circumstances. When I hear fellow patients being told they are ungrateful for simply saying that they didn't need a particular form of help, or suggesting another way to help only to have it dismissed, it is clear that active listening has not taken place. That they have not been heard.

I know people mean well. I know they don't intend to make the lives of the invisibly ill or disabled harder. But as the old saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Stop. Take a step back. Check your assumptions at the door. And listen.

Active listening is a skill. It is not instinctual for many, but it can be learnt. And that is a kindness to all.

Hear me.

That is the one thing I want from others.


The Ramones, Learn to Listen, (1989)


  1. Amazing blog as always :)
    Your words really hit home for me - it's like you are the voice for so many of us who cannot put these things into words <3

  2. This has hit home unlike anything else since our ordeal started in earnest about 2 years ago. My husband deals with neurological, gastrointestinal, and urological conditions. Our friends and family offer a lot of traditional support (e.g., casseroles), but I feel like very few actually listen. To be honest, we don't need a lot of "casseroles." I am capable of handling those things just fine. We need active listeners. I never realized it until now.


All who are lovely enough to comment should be showered with cup cakes, glitter and macarons. I promise to use my spoon bending mind powers to try and get that happening for all who are lovely enough to share their words. Those who go the extra step to share posts should really get a free unicorn. Or at least the gift of finding the shortest and quickest line at the supermarket on a regular basis. xx

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