Saturday 13 April 2013

A mantra for living with chronic illness.

(Being a little left of centre does help in dealing with chronic illness. 

I'm always being asked what are my main tips for coping with a chronic illness? It's hard to really verbalise them all as they are still developing. I know if asked in another month they would be more refined and would reflect whatever I had encountered in the intervening period.

But tonight, as I spend yet another exciting Saturday night lying here in bed trying to distract myself from the razor blades that I apparently ate for dinner, and I wait for the pain meds to kick in, I thought I would try and sum it up. My mantra goes a little something like this.

Embrace life. Focus on living. Focus on joy. Don't restrict yourself to old ideals and images. Your world has changed, it may or may not change back. Just embrace it and let it show you new paths and new possibilities. 

Know you have the strength to survive the ups and downs. You've done it before and you'll do it again. You cannot always change your circumstances but you can change your reactions to what happens. 

I wont lie, it's hard work some days. There will be tears and there will be times where it feels overwhelming and hopeless. But those times will pass. There will be the moment of respite when you can finally breathe again. It's remembering to grasp those moments with both hands and to let yourself believe and rejoice in them, whether they last a few months or a few minutes. 

It's knowing it's okay to let others give us their strength when your well has run dry. And that above all, you are not alone in this, no matter the lies your illnesses tell you. There is someone, somewhere going through what you are going through and feeling what you are feeling. 

You're not weird or weak or any of the things you tell yourself in the darkness that is 3am. You are beautiful and glorious and strong. You are Boadicea in comfy pjs and slippers. Show yourself compassion and love, and know you are worthy. Remember that, and you'll make it through today, and tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that. 

You define who you are, not your illness. You just need to believe in yourself. Because that you is magnificent. And that you is unstoppable. 

Michelle :)


  1. Michelle, you are beautiful!
    I try to focus on the positive and yet those razor blades have a moment in my mind.
    Not a BIG MOMENT in my mind.
    Please gorgeous girl, just let is be a moment in mind.

    1. This was amazing, brought tears to my eyes. I don't have razor blades in my stomach right now but ice picks in my eyes/head daily. You have such a gift of writing. I hope you don't mind, I'm going to copy and paste your mantra on my desktop so I can reread it when I need to. Thank you. You are not alone, that is for sure. I hope you have a "good" day again soon. <3

    2. Thanks Take Charge Becc. They are moments. They don't feel like it at the time. But they are just moments (hugs)

    3. Angie - Go copy and paste. If it can help even a little during those times that's great. I hope the icepicks settle and you can get some relief. xx

  2. Hear hear! That's my mantra, too. You totally rock for putting it into such heartening words Michelle :-D

  3. This was very moving. It brought tears to my eyes. You are so talented with putting your feelings into writing (especially with brain fog... mines not quite up to par today). I hope you don't mind, I'm going to save your mantra on my desktop so I can read it often when it's not so easy to stay positive. I hope you have a "good" day soon. Thank you so much for this... you are a blessing! Now where's my unicorn to bring me cupcakes?

  4. Abso-freaking-lutely, my dear! You have such a way of nailing things on the head when it comes to approaching life with chronic illness, and this encouraging post (and your sagely wisdom) is certainly no exception. Beautifully said, thank you.

    ♥ Jessica

    1. Thanks for your sweet words Jessica. It means a lot xx

  5. Sending you some love, MIchelle!
    A post- dedicated to YOU!

  6. A post I wrote for the WEGO HAWMC - just for you!

  7. Sending you some love in my latest HAWMC post!

  8. I love you my favorite Aussie friend! Love this post!

  9. We were both on the same wave length with writing today.

    1. Must be the case of great minds think alike xx

  10. I love this post... So true, so true! Sending warm thoughts your way....

  11. I love your beautiful blog good job Thanks lot for this useful article


All who are lovely enough to comment should be showered with cup cakes, glitter and macarons. I promise to use my spoon bending mind powers to try and get that happening for all who are lovely enough to share their words. Those who go the extra step to share posts should really get a free unicorn. Or at least the gift of finding the shortest and quickest line at the supermarket on a regular basis. xx

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